STILL deciding! Sway my decision :)

<p>I sent deposits to Miami, UW-Madison, and Ohio State. I'm play lacrosse so I only had enough time to see fly out to UW and OSU to check them out before the May 1st deadline (I'm from NJ). I liked, but I didn't fall in love with them. I don't know if I'll ever fall in love with a school until I've been there for 4 years, but I gotta give Miami a chance. I'm going to fly down to miami and check it out in a couple weeks when the season's over, but until then does anyone have anything to say to help me out? Why is Miami better?</p>

I love sports, played football and lax in HS, I'd like to play club for 1 or both teams wherever I go. I used to rock climb, I want to get back into that. I want to try skydiving (I bring this up because OSU has this 'adventure' club that does all kinds of extreme sports, skydiving being one of them). I'll probably be going Pre-Med (I <em>think</em> I want to be a surgeon). I like going to parties... oh and I'm a Jets fan ;)</p>

<p>U Miami for the weather ;)</p>

<p>haha yeah that's definitely one of the major perks of UM compared to UW.. just can't decide if that's enough to tip the scales</p>

<p>if you like sports then miami is definitely where to go..
other than all of the sports at UM itself, you also have
pro teams like the dolphins (even though you like the jets..
the games are still fun), the marlins, the panthers...
parties in miami are crazy.. not only at the school but there's
also south beach and all that.. the weather is awesome..
there's just SO much more to do down here!</p>

<p>I actually chose UM over a ton of big ten schools: Indiana, Purdue, Ohio State, Michigan State.
in ur case I would discard Ohio State. Miami is better than Ohio State and so is UW. Overall academically UW might be a lil more strong. However if u want to study medecine, I would not think twice and go to UM. it has one of the best medical schools in the country. when ur there, u need to go see the medical school (not on the main Coral Gables campus) in Downtown. its really impressive! lots of 20 story research buildings that look like corporate office buildings. Also, they own a ton of hospitals all around the Dade county area. one of them: the Jackson Memorial Hospital and the Palmer hospital, are among the best in the country. Jackson Memorial gets patients from around the world. LOok for medecine, I would reccommend UM. Although its def gonna be extremely difficult and demanding.</p>

<p>Quick question: if May 1st is National decision day, and you have sent in deposits to three universities and your post is dated May 4th, what do you know that we didn't know about not committing to <em>ONE</em> school as of May 1st? I thought I had read somewhere that if the schools somehow find out that you commit to more than one school (which haven't you done by sending in three deposits?), they have the right to rescind your acceptance.</p>

<p>I think it's totally normal not to fall in love with a school immediatly.... I only feel "patriotic" lol about UM after I've been here almost a year... that's just me</p>

<p>If you love sports.. and want to be pre-med then UM is a pretty good choice... There are a lot of lacrosse players here too</p>

<p>nah nothing will happen if u double deposit at these schools. Unless the school says. some schools mention do not double deposit. its unethical, yes, and off course it annoys admissions however at UM, OSU and UW, its not liek their gonna start investigating where u double deposited. especially at OSU and UW which enrolls around 6,000 students a year. Other schools such as Harvard, Brown, Yale and Princeton do keep track and could get u screwed. </p>

<p>Eitherway, id say ur choice should be between UW and UM. If u dont mind cold weather (reallllyyy cOoOLd Weather) then UW might not be a bad choice. If u love warm weather and sports then UM is the place for u! both schools are great and have great Med programs although UM is a better place for medecine. the downfall is that getting into UM's medical school is really really tough and just cause ur in pre-med wont guarantee u entrace so ull be spending all nighters quite often. not sure how demanding UW's program is but its still very well ranked.</p>

<p>There must be some reason kids from Miami attend Wisconsin.... </p>

<p>no contest. Wisconsin is an international academic powerhouse. Miami is known for its thug football teams.</p>

<p>Ok I'm going flying down to Miami today, going on the tour tomorrow, and flying back up later that night. I'll have my laptop so hopefully I can find an internet connection to come post here :)</p>

<p>Transfer I suggest u get ur facts straight!
UM is def known for its great football team. Better yet its also very strong on academics. Its a nationally ranked school and most programs are nationally ranked as well.</p>

<p>Alex, Wisconcin is an amazing school, so just pick which u like best and avoid stupid pointless comments like transfer's.
Anyways have fun in Miami! if u dont like the school and done end up pickign it, at least u had a reason to go spend a nice vacation at Miami with warm weather and beaches ;)</p>

<p>Thanks, acarta07. Unfortunately, it's supposed to t-storm tomorrow :/. My mom said that Florida rain is on and off though and when it's not raining it gets nice very quickly, so maybe I'll get to see the nice side of Miami :). Either way I'm trying to ignore the weather part of the trip. When I visited Ohio State it was about 70 and sunny, and then the next day I went north to Wisconsin where it was 75 and sunny lol. Obviously the weather during my college visits doesn't represent the college's climate on the whole.</p>

<p>Hey btw, if ur gonna study something in medecine I suggest u also go to the medical school. its about less than a mile south of Downtown Miami.
Well anyways, please let me know how it goes.
I picked UM over OSU but i visited neither campus. Ive been to Miami a ton of times and drove by the campus and loved it. never been to OSU but through pictures loved it as well. Cold weather for most of the year and huge classes sorta drew me away from going to OSU. :P </p>

<p>If I were u id choose between UW and UM. out of ur list those two have top medical schools. Cant say for a fact wether UM has a better med school though, but I know their both tops. In Florida UM has the best though.</p>

<p>go to UM!! you can drive to downtown and watch the Heat!</p>

<p>why watch the heat!?! u cand drive to the Orange Bowl and watch the Hurricanes kick buttt :D:D:D</p>