Still on Waitlist...

<p>I've been number 1 on a waitlist for a comparative lit R1b course since signing up during phase 2. According to the 10% rule, I should be in good shape to land the class however I'm still on the waitlist after all this time. Is it time for me to consider an alternative course or should I continue to wait it out?</p>

<p>BTW The classes I'm currently in are Math 1A, Chem 1A, Astro c10 (considering dropping), and a seminar. I was hoping to take com lit r1b to fulfill the RC requirement.</p>

<p>Most of the action happens in the first couple of weeks of class, when people drop out of classes they don't want, or clear into another class then drop the less desireable time or course. The rule of thumb of 10% is based on this turbulence in the early part of the semester.</p>

<p>If you're #1 on the waitlist, there's a good shot you'll get in, so stick with it. Most professors are accommodating, I think for my R&C course there were 17 people and three were from the waitlist.</p>

<p>I'm #1 and #2 on two other waitlisted classes. I don't know when I should be purchasing my books.. I definitely want to do it before school starts, bad idea?</p>

If you're #1 or #2 for pretty much anything you'll definitely get in, even R1B. It's surprising how many people don't show up the first day. </p>

<p>Also, don't worry about buying your books before school starts (although you may save some money if you do). Actually, I don't take many science classes, so you may want to check on that, but the first day is almost always just an introduction. Usually you'll have at least the first week to buy books. </p>

<p>Take Astro C10, even if its just pass/no pass! That's been my favorite class at Cal so far- Filippenko is spectacular.</p>

<p>I just checked my telebears and I just got off the waitlist and am now officially enrolled in my math class. I guess they made more discussions and are updating the waitlist as they go.</p>

<p>^^ Just checked and I'm off the waitlist too...</p>

<p>If it is a manual waitlist, if there are people who need the class more than you do (for ex, seniors who are going abroad the next semester), they get priority. It depends on who else is on the waitlist. Nevertheless, you still have a better chance than people who are higher on the waitlist.</p>

<p>Well, that's good to know =). Thanks for all your replies.</p>

<p>@katalinacmnacha8 I decided to sign up for astro c10 just because I saw how cool fillippenko seemed to be on a history channel series, but I don't need it to fulfill any requirements (I have all my physical sciences covered). But who knows, life isn't always about fulfilling requirements =). I might just take it just because it seems like a fun, interesting class.</p>