Stony Brook- Non Science Majors

<p>How is Stony Brook University for non science majors? I'm entering Stony Brook in a week as an undecided major. In the long term, I'm leaning toward a degree that's not science oriented. Everywhere I look Stony is praised for it's medical program, but I don't plan to have any relation to it. It seems Stony only got it's name from its reknown, highly regarded science programs. Are it's other offerings, at best, mediocre? Hypothetically, if their science programs are say, a 10, what would their other programs be rated? </p>

<p>What I'm really trying to understand is this: is Stony Brook's rep solely based on it's science programs? Might I as well attend a different less prestigious SUNY or CUNY school and acquire an equal or greater program in liberal arts? Or am I just severely misguided and Stony Brook is a generally consistent all around school? ( ie. Science=10 English=8 on the hypothetical scale)</p>

<p>I had a difficult time explaining myself, but I hope you guys can try to address my concerns. I'm looking forward to dorming at Stony this Fall and I'm excited. :D</p>

<p>EDIT: maybe this should have been put in the Stony Brook forum... oops</p>