Stony Brook University Vs Georgia Tech for biology?

Just got my acceptance for GT. Both options are affordable for me. I just need help in considering which one is good to go to for studying science.

For the reasons given in your other topics, I would still say Stony Brook, even with your additional acceptance.


Seems like a strange question. Yes, Georgia Tech is primarily an engineering and computer science powerhouse, but the industry reputation, facilities, networking, social opportunities, and location all FAR exceed anything Stony Brook has to offer.

GTech but look at what programs beside biology (applied, biotech, biostats…) would be available?
If your plan is to be premed, just be aware the grade deflation at GTech would make it that much harder than at SB, but if like most premeds you don’t make it to med school your GTech studies and degree will serve you well.

With respect to my response, it depends somewhat on which aspects of the question the OP would like to emphasize. For STEM fields in general, such as computer science and engineering, I’d recommend Georgia Tech. For biology specifically, I’d recommend Stony Brook. For a cross-disciplinary science such as biochemistry, either could make an excellent choice.

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Stony Brook is a really good school but it can’t compete with Georgia Tech at any level. Not even remotely in the same ballpark. The Georgia Tech experience is not one to be discarded in favor of Stony Brook unless money is an extreme consideration. Pre-med is very popular at Georgia Tech. Those who do well go on to top med schools. I would say the only genuine consideration here is the Georgia Tech does have grade deflation and it is difficult. But the upside to that is that the same rigor is what confers a respected degree and advancement to top-tier grad/med schools and employment opportunities. You can’t get something for nothing. Sure, you would work much harder at GT than you would at Stony Brook, but you’d be happy you did at the end. GT also offers an incredible array of facilities, internships, coops, organizations, sports, Greek life, etc etc. SB has nothing on that scale. It’s a SUNY, and until recently, just average. Have you seen the SB campus? Entirely depressing and nothing to write home about. You’d still be surrounded by tons of New York residents, many of whom were not that impressive in high school.

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It might be worth noting that Stony Brook and Georgia Tech have experienced comparable rises in student profile over the last few decades (although Georgia Tech began with a higher base): Of Competitive Colleges that Have Increased in Selectivity, These May Have Increased the Most.

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