I am freshman looking to dorm in a suite. From what I have read my only options are Kelly, Roth or Tabler. Can someone please give some updated info on the difference between the three? I dont know hours of the main gym yet but expect to go late at night so would not want to be walking back in dark. Not sure how safe it is at night. Also do I try and find roomies first or put down preferences for suite location? Also i heard there is honors housing which Im not but is there also univ scholars housing as well?
Any help would be appreciated.
Lots of good questions here. First, yes on the three quads… sort of. There are suites in Roosevelt too, but those three are all suites. That’s the UGCs of Human Development, Science & Society, and Arts, Culture & Humanities, respectively; if living in a suite is important, then make those a higher priority for you.
As to the gym question, you can see from the map - http://www.stonybrook.edu/sb/map/newmap.pdf - that Mendy and H are the closest to the main rec center, but they’re both all corridor-style.
From a timeline perspective, you’ll rank your UGCs between now and May 1, then you’ll be assigned in mid-May; that triggers the roommate search process, and you’ll get more info then.
Scholars are housed everywhere across campus, in all six quads.
Hope this helps!
Thanks Chris. Another ques. do any business and language majors stay at roth or is it mostly sciences? Also if I do the Preferences now, can they be changed up to may 1st?
And why do they ask about substance? Is smoking actually permited in these dorms?
@sbuadmissions: Are the freshmen students allowed to stay in any specific dormitory buildings or they can choose wherever they prefer?
It is on their website.
Yes most all.
where do we rank the UGC’s?
i completed the new student preference form already but did not see anywhere to rank the UGC’s
In Solar, the New Student Preferences TAB - when you click on it will bring you through an 8 point checklist, one of which is to rank your UGC’s which then determine what dorms you will be placed in. Although I believe in order to get to the ranking page you have to already made the $150 tuition deposit and $200 housing deposit first.
yes i made the deposits and know what you mean about that tab, but i emailed the UGC email and they said transfer students specifically do not go under a UGC
Are you a freshman or transfer?
yeah I think UGCs are only for freshman, not for transfer students…housing priority is first given to all the freshman and then remaining spots are left for transfer students so that could be why UGCs do not come into play. Transfer students are not guaranteed housing either.
I still do not understand the RANKING. Doesnt seem like a BUSINESS MANAGEMENT major fits in with any of them especially if I want a suite. If you are not a science major there is no place for you. My commute would be nearly two hours each way if I dont dorm.
UGCs are designed to be broadbased enough that any major can fit into any UGC…but if you want you can pick Arts Culture Humanities - Tabler Quad suites, Global Studies - Lauterbur Yang suites, Human Development - Kelly Quad suites…
Good info here on your questions: http://ucolleges.stonybrook.edu/new-student/family-resources/comparison