Storage of luggage

<p>My daughter will be living in Harris Hall. We live far away and subsequently she will be flying to Alabama. Where do the kids store their suitcases during the semester as it does not seem as if there is enough room in her dorm room. Thanks.</p>

<p>I don’t know if Harris has any add’l storage options. Does your D have the kind of luggage that when empty can fit inside each other and then store under her bed? That might be the best option. Or, have some of her stuff shipped in boxes that can be flattened and easily stored (even under her mattress if needed).</p>

<p>She will probably have about 6 suitcases total. Maybe I can buy some cheap duffles that will fold up. We leave for Bama Bound next week and will be storingv2 suitcases at a friend of a friend in Birmingham. My D has a lot of clothes and shoes especially. I have no idea where it will fit in her room.</p>

<p>You’re going to have a hard time finding a place for SIX suitcases unless they fit inside each other. Does she really need to bring 6 suitcases? Could she pack in boxes and ship enough stuff that she’ll only need a couple suitcases? Is someone flying in with her (and carrying 4 of those suitcases)? If so, could you take all but a couple of the empty suitcases back home? Then when it’s time to come home for summer she could store a lot of her stuff in Tuscaloosa and just come home with 2 suitcases.</p>

<p>I would strongly suggest not taking this much stuff. It will not all fit. There is just not that much room. Remember, she will need books, lamp, desk supplies, laundry stuff, food, etc as well!</p>

<p>I would pack the first round of needed clothes. She can trade out fall for winter stuff at fall break or Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>You can ship a couple boxes.</p>

<p>Take what is really needed for the first two months and see what kind of space there is after you set up the room.</p>

<p>agree with the others. there is only a certain amont of space in the dorms. idk about harris, but she will have x amount of closet rod and probably three largeish drawers.</p>

<p>6 suitcases full of stuff won’t fit.</p>

<p>If necessary, ship stuff with boxes that will fold flat. She can put those literally under her mattress. </p>

<p>I agree with having her take warm weather clothes now with maybe one jacket and a couple of cold weather outfits. Then switch out clothes when weather changes. She could pack now, leave those boxes in her home bedroom, then you could mail them to her when weather changes, and she’ll send back her warm weather clothes…unless she’s going home during fall break. </p>

<p>As others have said, there isn’t a place for that many suitcases. I’m not sure how she’d fly out with that many suitcases.</p>

<p>If she’s like DS who doesn’t come home until Christmas and will need some “winter” clothes; DH and I returned with empty suitcases (inserted together with our overnight stuff in center; love SW no baggage fees). DS kept 2 suitcases (medium & large) for subsequent travel (uses 2 only for summer travel home, 1 for breaks is all he’s ever needed). A lot of his stuff (clothes included) stays in storage unit over summer, as noted by others this is typical. Those plastic storage tubs are great for storage unit, as well as they nestle and fit under slightly lofted bed. Son keeps blanket/extra bedding in one under bed; have to admit this was only after I suggested using one instead of just tossing them under there.</p>

<p>Especially if she is flying alone, I would not recommend bringing 6 suitcases. Even if you were flying with her, that is a lot to fit in a rental car, let alone a shared dorm room. The suggestion of shipping/mailing cardboard boxes is a good one and even then she wouldn’t need 10+ boxes of stuff (cardboard boxes are often smaller than suitcases). </p>

<p>Common packing advice states that one should put out everything they intend to take and only pack half of it. This works well for both vacations and moving to a college dorm. Three to four suitcases’ worth of clothes and dorm essentials (think 2 suitcases and 3 boxes) is likely more than enough stuff as your daughter’s roommate will also be bringing stuff. While I’m known to pack light, I’ve fit enough clothing, linens, toiletries, etc., in a single suitcase to last me for 5 weeks in a dorm room. An extra suitcase would have allowed me more clothes and a few more creature comforts. Add another 1.5 suitcases (3 boxes) to the 2 and you are at how much stuff I bring for my [single] room, kitchenette, and living room. There is a grocery store, Publix, just off campus that sells food and toiletries at fair prices, especially if one shops the sales (items that are buy-one-get-one-free are actually 50% off and you can buy odd numbers of items).</p>

<p>If she wants to bring 6 suitcases worth of stuff then so be it. Just buy a few cheap duffel bags and use them instead as they’ll be easy to fold up and store. Have her buy a few of the large plastic bins at walmart or Target when she arrives and she can store her extra stuff under her bed. She can put her bed on the highest rung and she’ll have room between there, her dresser, and the closet.</p>

<p>She certainly won’t be the first girl to ever bring 6 suitcases of clothes and stuff to a dorm room.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for all your input. I found a great 36 inch fold up duffle at Sears today. I will also take your advice and send down boxes for what doesn’t fit into her duffles.</p>