Stores/shops near West lafayette?

<p>Is there a Wal-mart or a bed, bath and beyond near the campus as I will have to buy my bed sheets, pillow and comforter there?</p>

<p>there are two wal-marts. one wal-mart is a smaller one that is about 15-20 min away from campus. you can take the bus and get there. the other one is in downtown lafayette and the bus ride there is considerably longer. i dont think there is a bed bath and beyond though. i would recommend just buying them at home and bringing them up</p>

<p>I googled up a Bed Bath and Beyond; it is not near campus but in Lafayette on 3555 State Road 38 E. We are flying into Indianapolis and will stop at the Walmart in Lebanon, IN. on our way in.</p>

<p>i have seen a website where they do give packs exclusively for students living on campus. they also deliver free .you could try this site <a href=""&gt;;/a> for bedding and linens. there are packs available for $189,$159, $120 and so on.
I feel its worth it but again u guys have to advice on this on as im an intl student and wudnt know much about justifying the pricing.</p>

<p>I am also international so its not possible for me to bring bedding and linens. I think I'll just have to make a round to the nearest wal-mart. So are there are any malls in west lafayette?</p>

<p>There's one across the bridge in Lafette called Tippecanoe Mall. I'm not sure what they have over there, but it would probably be a good place to start.</p>

<p>Are you going to be there for the Boiler Gold Rush, the freshmen orientation? If so, and if they do what they did three years ago, they provide a midnight run to the local Walmart. It's a great deal, gives the students a chance to get what they missed, in the middle of the night, and it gives mucho business to Walmart.</p>

<p>There is an itinerary some place on the Purdue website and they will make 2 runs during BGR to Walmart. WE LEAVE TOMORROW! Are in the process of packing as we speak.</p>