Hi! I am currently a junior in high school and I’ve been stressing about college like crazy. I honestly feel like I won’t get accepted anywhere. Here are my stats:
From NY
Ethnicity: Asian
UW GPA: around 93-94/100
*nervous because by the end of high school I would have taken 4 regular classes, the rest honors and AP classes though
ACT: 30
APs: AP World (2, lol i cried for 2 weeks pls don’t talk about it), APUSH, AP English, AP Bio, AP Gov, AP Stats
Just picked out my classes for senior year:
AP Bio
AP Stats
AP Gov
Syracuse English
Precalc Honors
Red Cross (secretary 10th-11th, President 12th)
National Honor Society
Math Honor Society
English Honor Society
Science Honor Society
Global Honor Society
Language Honor Society
Key Club
School Newspaper
Intern for my APUSH teacher
Awards (nothing great):
Published poem
Semi-finalist for Japan essay at Stonybrook
Colleges I’m thinking about:
Cornell (lol, my dad wants me to apply. 2 legacies, my dad and sister)
Northeastern (Early Action)
Binghamton (School of Management)
Intended major: something in the business field and maybe journalism
What are my chances at these schools? Thank you. 
Definetly solid chances at Colgate,Northeastern,Binghamton, and Stonybrook.
Your test scores are slightly weak for Cornell but seeing that you are legacy status you seem to have as decent a chance as anyone else. Keep the GPA up and good luck!
I would agree with above poster except I wouldn’t say good chance at northeastern it’s getting a lot more competitive as the years go by I know people with the same stats as you that got deferred and rejected. You have a decent chance and it wouldn’t surprise me if you got in but EA is not likely with your current ACT score. Best of luck!
Chance back? http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1851091-chance-me-please.html#latest
Take the ACT again and try to get it to 31-32 for a better shot at Colgate and NE
Agree, you have time to study and raise your test score. Do it if you can.
Haha I know that fear of getting rejected from all your schools (thats exactly what I’m going through right now). I dont know much about the other schools, but I think you have a really good chance at Stony Brook. Also, if you’re thinking about going into business maybe try apply to NYU? You’re a resident of NYU so it could be easier to get in, and it’s great for business, and you’re definitely a worthy applicant.
Could you chance me maybe? http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1858702-do-i-have-a-chance-at-umd-college-park.html#latest
@fairylights NYU is a private university, no preference to residents of NY state, and completely different atmosphere than the other schools OP has mentioned.
I second the advice to test again. NEU especially will be difficult EA with a 30, as @hssenior27 said above.