Strive Program

<p>My son just received an email from UM about the STRIVE program, which is a leadership and volunteer program with special housing in the Apartment area building 34, is this good? and required volunteer services. Son was selected for a simialr program at FSU, but it came with a scholarship of 2K! The STRIVE Program looks very good,b ut I have not seen anything about it on the website. Has anyone participated in this program. One must apply and it is selective. Does nayone know anything about this program. Has anyone else received an email to apply? Does anyone else know about the housing they offer for this program?</p>

<p>i recieved that email as well today.
If chosen for the program, are there a lot of freshmen who participate or is it mainyl upperclassmen in the apartment?</p>

<p>i also received an email....although i like some aspects of it...i dislike others so i do not think that i will apply</p>

<p>My daughter received an email from FSU with a $1K per semester award if she applies and is accepted that sounds similar. It required a certain number of hours per semester in various roles of service and student leadership for the University.</p>

<p>Sounds like something new to me. </p>

<p>I would definitely check it out. However, if my child was an incoming freshman I would also advise a couple of cautions. Don't let the prospect of getting in an apartment vs. living in the dorms be the only reason to participate. The dorms, especially the towers, are really great places to meet others, and as much as they "think" they won't like the the end....they usually enjoy their time there. Secondly, I would see just how many service hours are required. It is such a big adjustment for some of these kids. Not so much the college level work, but learning how to manage time and their lives. UM has so much to offer in all kinds of ways including other leadership opportunities with all kinds of organizations. And when they get there, CaneFest will show them literally hundreds of possibilities. </p>

<p>This sounds a lot like the "President's 100". (Another leadership possibility.) If one is really into community service and leadership I'd definietly learn more, but if you are just looking at this program for the benefits, I would recommend finding opportunities that speak more to the "heart." Finding things that they love to participate in at UM is very easy. There is so much to chose from!</p>

<p>Thanks, 1tcm, you are always so insightful. My son really wants the freshman dorm experience, so living in the apartment complex actually put him off, he also is concerned that if he lives in the apt. he will not meet many of his classmates (freshman). I was thinking that this was too good of a leadership opportunity to give up--they require 6 hours a week of service plus some meetings and a class to enroll in--6 hours is not a lot, but it may be a bit too much for an entering freshman--and I dont want him to be overwhelmed. So your advice is very good and it is so good to hear that there are lots of volunteer opportunities that he can get involved with on his own time and own terms. right now son is leaning away from applying. thanks so much for your insights, as always they are well taken.</p>

<p>HERE is a letter son got with more info on the STRIVE Program. Still not sure if he is going to apply but this clarifies some things for those who are interested in the program:</p>

<p>Thank you for your interest in the STRIVE Community. It will really be a great program.
To answer your questions, there will be plenty of opportunities to meet other freshman. We have addressed this concern by placing freshman – there will be 16 total in the program – in apartments with 3 other freshman students. All STRIVE participants will live in the same apartment building, which is actually very close to Hecht Residential College, one of the freshmen buildings. All freshmen students will have an upperclassmen mentor who will help get them acclimated to the UM community and other students on campus. There will be a great deal of programming and opportunities for new STRIVE students to meet other students on campus.</p>

<p>If you want to wait until your sophomore or junior year to be a part of STRIVE, certainly you may wait and apply at a later time. As a sophomore, junior, or senior entering the STRIVE community, you will be asked to be a mentor to an incoming student in the program.</p>

<p>There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer through our center if you choose not to participate in the STRIVE community. We have over 30 student organizations that volunteer in the community, spread awareness, and hold events for UM students. There is definitely something for you to be involved in!</p>

<p>Please let me know if you have any more questions about STRIVE or volunteering here at UM.</p>