student life at CSUMB??

<p>Can any student or parent of a student at CSUMB give me some feedback please? What is it like? Do you get the real college feel or is it more like a commuter college? Are you happy you chose it? Why did you choose it? Whatever you can tell me I'll pass on to my D who is considering this campus. It is hard when there isn't a lot of independent info out there about the school so I'd really like to get the inside scoop so to speak from a student.</p>

<p>I just discovered this section... so I'm sorry if the info is late in coming. My son spent all of 2 weeks at CSUMB for a program at the Panetta Institute. He did have a chance to meet & talk to regular CSU students. One thing he remarked up on was that the students seemed to have a very positive view of the school administration & faculty. This is just one little snippet of info ... but I think it meant something to my son because he was coming from a campus where the administration was at odds with the faculty & students -- so I think he felt it was nice to see a somewhat different ambiance.</p>

<p>Thanks calmom...I hadn't checked back here for quite some time and it was great to see a new post! When we visited CSUMB last summer people were like your S described. They seemed very friendly and I think a good word would be grateful for the opportunities that the school was offering them. D likes the big dorms, the new science facilities and the proximity to the aquarium as well as the excellent outdoor rec. program. We both like the fact that my brother and his wife are just 40 min away in Santa Cruz.</p>

<p>I guess she'll have to go back when school is in session to get a real feel for the place. </p>

<p>I am also worried about the fact that her stats put her way above the middle so I wonder if she will be sufficiently challenged. </p>

<p>Anyway we'll see what happens and thanks again for posting! Where is your S in school?</p>

<p>Hey Historymom. Im a college student a CSUMB and heres what i think.

  1. it is a commuter college. pretty much the place is empty on weekends no ones outside
  2. from what i know, im only a freshman the academics arnt that bad. But i myself am not feeling challenged
  3. the staff is pretty cool
  4. the dorms are nice! and it is def an advantage having a private bathroom</p>

<p>all in all the college is okay, not horrible but not the best either
i myself am thinking about transfering</p>

<p>Any info on the music program there? From the website I see it is a BA.</p>

<p>CA ladybug I sent you a pm. Thanks so much for the response here. lamom sorry I have no knowledge about the music programs but I am sure they will get back to you if you email the music dept. w/ specific questions. Good Luck</p>