Hello! As I put together my list, I started falling in love with Williams, but I have a few questions about student life.
I’ve heard food is quite good at Williams, but I am not sure if this is from the perspective of “best fries ever” or “diverse and high quality food.” I tend to eat pretty healthy and varied food. Are there options for less common foods like indian food, Japanese food or middle eastern food-- either in the dining hall or the limited off campus restaurants? This is not a huge deal, but who doesn’t love to eat! Also, there a grocery store within walking/biking distance?
As far as the party aspect of Williams, I have heard there is a lot of drinking, but also regular non-drinking options. I love that Williams doesn’t have greek life, but I hear that athletic teams often take on the role of frats by looking down upon non-athletes. Is this true? Also, do sports teams live in the same dorms together? I read that they do, but it was by an individual i.e. not reliable source.
When I hear about Williams, everyone talks about how lovely it is to spend time outside on the campus. In the winter, aside from skiing and such, what is there to do? I like some light hiking and appreciate the surroundings, but frankly, I am a terrible skier. Is it possible to run outside in the winter, or does the snow and ice stop that? How else do students take advantage of the campus in the winter? Since I mention my lack of skiing ability, it seems apt to ask about medical emergencies. Is there a hospital close by? Is there a doctor close by for non-emergency appointments?
Williams seems to have all the art/music clubs one could desire. I am interested in acapella. I have looked up Williams’s groups, and they are great! Do they get large audiences? I know that at some schools, acapella is a big deal and they get hundreds at performances. Is Williams like this? Also, with the extremely small school size, is it too much like high school? I hear that Williams isn’t cliquy, but I worry that there will be a lot of gossip like people whispering about so-and-so hooking up with so-and-so at a party etc. Also, in high school everyone’s reputation is formed by the end of freshman year. Is Williams like this, or is it anonymous enough to accept more change? Finally, this is not a huge concern, but I have heard that people at Williams dress in casual preppy or outdoorsy clothes. I love fashion and tend to dress a little more cosmopolitan-- would I be the odd one out going to class in a nice dress vs sweatpants?
As you can see from my nit-picky questions, I am really starting to imagine life at Williams and want to make sure it is right for me! I do have a visit scheduled, but it is over the summer, so I won’t get to see actual student life. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me!