Student Spirit Activities Card

<p>Has anyone who is an incoming freshman for Fall 2005 purchased their Spirit Activities Card yet? </p>

<p>I realize that you go to this website to register or whatever: </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>But what PIN number do you use? Not the oasis one.</p>

<p>arent we supposed to get something in the mail about it?</p>

<p>Yeah....we are gonna get a letter or e-mail soon about how to register for that...</p>

<p>I got mine yesterday.</p>

<p>Oh okay, great. Thanks guys :)</p>

<p>OK, but apparently the lottery tickets are either out already before I could get them, or the website is messed up (which I'm praying for).</p>

<p>Have any incoming freshman been able to successfully register? I never got anything about the Spirit Activities Card...</p>

<p>I have just been trying, and I can't figure out what PIN I'm supposed to use. I tried all of the passwords I know for USC things and none of them worked. I'm confused, especially since they said they would mail us stuff in mid-July.</p>

<p>The email that I got (maybe they just sent it out to returning students?) gave me a specific PIN to use, so it won't be one that you have. I think this new lottery system they have is messed up (the day after I got the email I wasn't able to enter the lottery for Cal and UCLA tickets), so maybe they didn't try sending out the email to any other people, or maybe they just had problems with it... I don't know. I don't even know if anyone was able to get into the lottery...</p>

<p> there really is a lottery for the UCLA game? Are you kidding me? Im transferring...</p>

<p>I guess no incoming freshman have gotten it yet...ok...thats fine...</p>

<p>I haven't gotten anything. Keep us updated :)</p>