<p>I'm currently in a 4 year OoS university. By the end of this Fall semester, I would have finished 64 semester credits already. I also took a P/NP class in UCLA through a a USPA summer program in high school and got 1.34 semester credit for it.</p>
<p>I need to have a minimum of 12 credits to do my exchange program abroad next semester, but I wanted to take 17.</p>
<p>64 + 1.34 + 17 = 82.34 sem credits</p>
<p>The unit cap is 80 for me.</p>
<p>My questions are:
1) Does that 1.34 credit count towards the unit cap?
2) How likely is it that my credits from my study abroad will transfer?
The required 12 will be from Yonsei University in S. Korea, which is an EAP affiliated university with the UC system, and the 5 was going to be from a month long intensive French program in the Catholic University in Paris.
3) In my university, each semester of Chinese was 6 credits, but in UC, it's only 3 creditsÂ… does that technically mean that I will have 58 by the end of the Fall or 64?</p>
<p>Thanks, guys~!</p>