Study Abroad Scholarships for Hispanic Students

<p>To add to my postings of scholarships today I found opportunities for Hispanic Students to receive scholarships for studying abroad. Please review the page found on this link since I thought I saw 2 or 3 study abroad opportunities with scholarships. </p>

<p>Study</a> Abroad Scholarships and Grants</p>

<p>Here is another study abroad scholarship for Latinos. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You are amazing, itsv! Thank-you so much for all your research and for sharing it here.</p>

<p>You are welcome sbjdorlo. My DD got 4 emails from me at school and told her friends “uhoh Mom must be doing research on opportunities for Latino students again.” I thought it was funny how she knows me so well. Just want to make sure everyone knows about them so that the companies, schools and organizations continue to offer them.</p>