Studying engineering in business school???

<p>I'm planning to study in engineering in college, but I also want to study some business, probably as a minor. </p>

<p>Let's say I go to Stern school at NYU or Wharton school in Upenn, is it possible to study engineering also??? </p>

<p>What's the difference between just going to NYU and going to Stern school???</p>

<p>If it is financial engineering, it is possible, I guess. But I don't think you can study majors like ME, EE, CE etc. What you should do is to go for engineering major in some University and take a few business-related classes. So forget Stern or Wharton.</p>

<p>apply to the jerome fisher program in management and technology at penn, and you can get a joint degree from both the wharton school and the engineering school. the engineering school degree can be in any of the fields offered at penn, including chemical / biomolecular, electrical, and bio(medical).</p>

<p>dual degrees are also possible at penn, if your gpa is high enough to apply to the programs.</p>