<p>Hello CC. I'm following this forum for quite a long time, but just decided to register and ask my question. Currently I'm 11th grade in High School in Bulgaria. I have one more year and I finish high school and should attend to university. Recently I finished my TOEFL exam with 101 points. What I'm interested in is starting my bachelor in Sweden in English. Are there any universities with good reputation. Anybody who's been there?</p>
<p>I forgot to mention that I'd like to study Business, Economics, Management, etc.</p>
<p>try to contact the Embassy</p>
<p>Some courses in Sweden are taught in English but as far as I know, there arent that many degrees that are completely in English. I might be wrong though.</p>
<p>As for universities with good reputation, Uppsala, Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Lund are seen as the best. Södertörn is up and coming. Luleå up in the north is not too bad either. </p>
<p>This is a good website to start at: <a href=“http://www.studyinsweden.se/templates/cs/SISFrontPage.aspx?id=4908[/url]”>http://www.studyinsweden.se/templates/cs/SISFrontPage.aspx?id=4908</a></p>