Studying Too Early?

<p>Hey guys, I'm planning to take the ACT i SEptember and I've started studying since late June. Is there such as going through the practice tests (PR, Kaplan) too early and not being able to remember all this by test day? Should I hold back a bit? THanks.</p>

<p>I'm wondering this too, although I've only just started studying recently.</p>

<p>I also started in late June. Well I got the Red book in late June and I'm getting PR next week to actually study. But I say if you start this early and skim through the material everyday/every so often until test day then you should be well aquainted with the material.</p>

<p>I've used the PR, Kaplans to study sections indivdually and saving the Red Book for a simulation of an actual 3-HR ACT test. </p>

<p>Also, does anyone know how to score these? </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I missed 2 on the math section, so should I automatically assume -1pt for each wrong.. leaving me with a 34? Thanks.</p>

<p>I think you're on a good schedule, just keep studying. Also make sure you're taking the ACT plus Writing. Review the writing tips as these essays are not like SAT essays.</p>

<p>^HelloAll Scoring is on the very end- pg 60-65. Miss 2 on THIS particular test = a 35 :D great job.</p>

<p>Studying as early as possible creates the most success. </p>

<p>The ACT/SAT isn't brute memory. It's a test of skills built over the years...
You can't forget those skills so quickly. Studying early just helps reviewing them and keep them fresh. Of course, studying really hard right before the test is also helpful :)</p>

<p>Yeah, you definitely won't forget the ACT material like you will the SAT. I mean, who remembers a bunch of definitions for words we use ONLY on the SAT? ACT is definitely more geared towards the things we learned in school so you should already have a good foundation and studying just adds to that. Good luck</p>

<p>cool, thanks guys. I'll continue my studies then.</p>

<p>BTW, good for you for being so diligent!!!</p>

<p>yea its never too early to start</p>