Ive had a few pretty cool things happen since I've sent in my application. most notably became the lead defense attorney for our mock trial team and was chosen as one of like 100 florida sunshine state scholars (math/science).
i've had email conversations with my counselor (@davidson) semioften. do you think i should let my admissions counselor @ davidson know about this stuff in a little email? or would it not mean much and just be an annoyance because they're in crunch time now?</p>
<p>I got a little more worried when i heard how many people applied this year!!!</p>
<p>It seems to me it is always a good idea to let an admissions office at all your schools know about significant new achievements; a short, matter-of-fact email might help and should not hurt.</p>
<p>haha alright… and i just found out that almost ALL of my community service hours aren’t on my transcript (AGH!! so much trouble with guidance dept. :() so i’m hoping they wont mind a short email from me saying that like 150 hours of service arent on there, but will be on the final transcript…</p>