<p>Chem 740
Bio 670
(score choice here)
Math I 750
(just took Math II)</p>
ivies, stanford....</p>
<p>Chem 740
Bio 670
(score choice here)
Math I 750
(just took Math II)</p>
ivies, stanford....</p>
<p>yolo swag 420? anyone there</p>
<p>To give you a harsh answer: no, not quite.</p>
<p>They’re not bad by any means, though if you can take them again then I would recommend doing so.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t say they’re bad… The lowest score that’s good enough for Ivy-caliber is 700, 750 and up is what you should be shooting for. Also IMO Math II is better than Math I.</p>
<p>yeah if i get below 800 im retaking because thats what i have gotten on all practice test</p>