submitted before Nov.15 but still no decision

<p>I submitted on Nov.7 and all my requirements were received on Nov.8. But i haven't got the decision notification email or the decision. My status now is "complete ready for review" and decision is "in committee review". is anyone in the same situation as mine?</p>

<p>I’m not but Purdue receives a large amount of applications, especially so close to the November 15th deadline. I actually have a friend who applied last year whose decision was about 3 weeks after the initial release date.</p>

<p>Well…thanks. But did Purdue promise that they would give out all EA(before Nov.15) decisions on Dec. 10? Or that just a starting day of giving out offers? one of my friends submitted a few days later than me but got the decision…</p>

<p>On the site I think it says that the decisions will be out December 15th. But I turned mine in like November 14th and got my decision so… idk.</p>

<p>I am in the same stage…All requirements received, and the application is being reviewed…</p>

<p>I postmarked all my stuff on November 15 and got my decision on the 10th.</p>