submitted common app a day late! Any hope?

<p>My S finished his U of Chicago supplement on the day it was due, and cheerfully hit the "submit" button. I asked him if he needed my credit card for the app fee and he said, "no, they aren't asking for anything". I thought this was odd, but took him at his word. Well, the next day he went on the Common App site for something else and noticed that U of C wasn't marked as submitted. It turns out that he didn't submit the main body of the Common App, just the suplement.</p>

<p>So, much gnashing of teeth on my part later, he sends a desperate e-mail to admissions asking for them to please accept his application for consideration.</p>

<p>I am really upset as U of C was his top choice - I know he shouldn't have waited till the last moment, I should have double-check, whatever, but it will be such a disappointment.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard of admissions accepting aps past the deadline?</p>


<p>Actually, yes, I think there is a little leeway, as long as something is submitted by the deadline.</p>

<p>My brother was accepted by Stanford many eons ago even though he mailed his application a day late. No guarantees, but I don’t think being late is always an automatic reject.</p>

<p>This happens every year. At this time, most colleges are so swamped with applications that they aren’t too strict about deadlines.</p>

<p>But hopefully this will be a good lesson on how important it is to give yourself a little “squish” room when meeting an important deadline.;</p>

<p>Thanks for the comforting words - and I hope he will learn a lesson about the dangers of procrastinating. I’m trying to let him do these things himself to get him (and me!) ready for next fall, but when something this important falls through the cracks it is just infuriating.</p>

<p>I was tempted to call the admission office today to check on the status, but I held back, feeling that it is really my S’s responsibility, after all. I guess I’m growing up a bit!
Thanks again, and a big sigh of relief. :)</p>