<p>Just submitted my SIR!</p>
<p>Anything I should know in advance? I've visited twice but am still amazed at how vast the campus was (not necessarily a bad thing, imo). </p>
<p>Anyone else commit already? Sixth college for me</p>
<p>Just submitted my SIR!</p>
<p>Anything I should know in advance? I've visited twice but am still amazed at how vast the campus was (not necessarily a bad thing, imo). </p>
<p>Anyone else commit already? Sixth college for me</p>
<p>Don’t forget you Verification form and Hep B.</p>
<p>I’m in 6th :)</p>
<p>I’m an incoming freshman to Sixth, too! :D</p>
<p>Yep. Marshall.</p>
<p>Does anyone know when you have to accept/reject the financial aid offers? And is the verification form just the final transcript/AP/SAT scores? Thanks!</p>
<p>Me too, Marshall! I’m so excited!</p>
<p>Does anyone know how to submit the housing deposit???</p>
<p>@christianwu: Verification form and Hep B.?
which one is the verification form o_0
when is hepB due?</p>
<p>Verification form is the thing you have to due to verify if your dependent and whatnot. It asks for your parent’s tax returns as well as other mics.</p>
<p>Hep B is due June 15? Not sure. But it’s easy to fill out. It asks you for “Hep b Taken?” and if so, where, so just input the clinic’s address/physician where you taken your shots.</p>
<p>That’s pretty much it.</p>
<p>Verification form is due tomorrow, or May 1st lol.</p>
<p>Is verification only if you applied for financial aid? I don’t see anything that says “verification” on my TritonLink.</p>
<p>Is the verification form simply for students who were offered financial aide?</p>
<p>ahh, thx! hmm…i didnt get a verification button either [i got zero financial aide]</p>
<p>Verification is for a subset of people who get aid – namely , those flagged by FAFSA.</p>
<p>I submitted mine weeks ago! I didn’t get an email confirmation though… Every time I inquired, they just sent me the FAQ. WTH…</p>
<p>Here’s what my page looks like:</p>
<p><a href=“http://i42.■■■■■■■.com/bgd4rq.jpg[/url]”>http://i42.■■■■■■■.com/bgd4rq.jpg</a></p>
<p>Am I set?</p>
<p>And also, I am being offered financial aid (Total Gift Aid = $10,366), but I don’t remember having to verify my parents’ income… Shoot, did I miss something?</p>
<p>Just submitted SIR also. Transfer student, Sixth College, Class of 2011. Tritons!!</p>
<p>blackberry: I submitted mine about a week ago as well, but I didn’t get an e-mail confirmation either. I think, though that as long as you’ve got that page, you’re good.</p>
<p>If you’re wondering though, some of my friends got an e-mail confirmation that looked like:</p>
<p>Last Name, First,</p>
<p>This is an email confirmation: you have submitted your SIR and have accepted admission to UC San Diego.</p>
<p>Welcome to UC San Diego!</p>