Submitted poor SAT Bio M score--will this hurt my chances significantly?


I’m applying to Yale, Penn, and Harvard, and they all recommend/require that applicants submit at least 2 subject test scores. I took the tests in Math II and Bio M. I did very well on my Math II exam. However, I did significantly worse on my Bio M exam, scoring a 650. My parents made me submit this score to all three of the Ivy League schools I’m applying to, even though I would have preferred to just send Math II. At this point, all of my applications are finalized and submitted.

Will this significantly hurt my chances? I received a 1530 SAT score, have a few national awards in public speaking and poetry, and did an internship this past summer to research immune cells and spinal cord injury. My GPA is a 4.3 weighted. Thank you, in advance!

I assume only one of these is an early app. You could sign up to take it again and if you improve, send that score as well.

what’s done is done. you wont be rejected just because you had a low subject test score. if you shine in other areas you still have good chances.