Submitted twelve days past the school's deadline?!

<p>I just submitted my NYU app today feeling all happy thinking that I made the 1/15 deadline. However, I have just learned that the deadline is 1/1... :-(
Commonapp took the application though. Will my application be considered? I am going to call NYU ASAP tomorrow but just wanted to hear from here in the meantime. If it makes any difference I made payment on 12/31.</p>

I thought the deadline was 1/15 because I read that in one of my teacher’s college handbooks, and lists 1/15 as the deadline for SAT/ACT score report, so I thought the application deadline was 1/15 as well (that’s how it is for every other school I applied to) I’ve had the date 1/15 in my head since the beginning… I’ve been sitting on the application for some time now, and I really, really want to go to NYU. I’m qualified and I think it’s a great match. Also, NYU’s international student deadline is 1/15…do you think the school has separate “download” pools for US students and international students on</p>

<p>If you payed on time and sent in the supplement on time there’s a good chance this won’t matter, you see alot of people like myself have had trouble using the commonapp so many times if your school has parts of the app like the supplement and payment recorded then they’ll probably assume you had trouble. I’m planning to send an e-mail to Brown admissions to explain what happened to me so they’ll understand why the application portion of my common app came late. The time when you absolutely DON"T have to worry is when you look at your status on your college’s website and it shows that they recieved your application. Some people say you need special permission to send in an app after the deadline but if only parts of it are missing and not EVERYThing like your app, supplement, and payment, you should be alright. I hope this helps, I have a friend who’s a genius that explained this all to me and calmed me down. :)</p>

<p>NYU has just downloaded my application! :slight_smile: Relief!</p>

<p>Please Note: For freshman applicants applying for entry in September 2009, the application deadline has been changed to January 1, 2009. Older publications may still have the January 15th date, but that is incorrect. The deadline is January 1, 2009.</p>

<p>[NYU</a> > Undergraduate Admissions > Applying for Admission > Freshman Applicants > Important Dates](<a href=“]NYU”>How to Apply)</p>

<p>yea-- i saw on college board’s message board that international students were for jan 15… why does CB have to screw us over like that??</p>

<p>I gave mine in an hour after the 01/01 midnight deadline. They downloaded it so I hope it’s just fine. :|</p>