Suffering from SCEA depression and envy

<p>As the wait to Dec 15 get shorter and shorter, and I try to prepare myself for the disappointment, I have realized I'm getting angry at fictional characters. why do they always get to go to such lovely schools without the stress.</p>

<p>Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants:
Carmen - Yale
Bridget - Brown
Tibby - NYU
Lena - RISD</p>

Bella - Dartmouth</p>

Gabriella - Stanford
Troy - UCB</p>

<p>i would mention Rory from Gilmore Girls, but IMO she totally deserved it. (Oh God, now i'm making judgement calls on fictional admissions)</p>

<p>What the EFFF?!?! this is not fair. my younger sister, who reads/watches all of these things doesnt seem to understand how hard it is for me (and the rest of the real world ha) to get in.</p>

<p>this thread is really useless, but it's just one more place to make the wait more interesting and let me rant.</p>

<p>lmao don’t forget Evan and Fogle from Superbad (Dartmouth)!</p>

<p>haha true. any others?</p>

<p>wow this reply order situation is getting wacky</p>

<p>^^ lol fictional characters</p>

<p>My sister was watching Gossip Girl earlier tonight. I couldn’t stay in the room.</p>

<p>The best is Serena’s college visiting road trip in the Gossip Girl books, where she goes to Harvard, Brown, and Yale in a long weekend, and comes home with the Wiffenpoofs trailing behind.</p>

<p>And don’t forget The O.C., where Marissa gets into Berkeley, apparently without applying.</p>

<p>Serena + Blair + Nate get into Yale! (in the books, anyway)</p>

<p>lol, eating food, and how do you know that? :wink: (i <3 gossip girl, btw)</p>

<p>Carmen went to Williams in the Traveling Pants series, fwiw =P</p>

<p>Hmm, notice how Blake Lively gets to go to good schools in all her roles. AND in that movie Accepted, she goes to Harmon? College which seemed like a fictional Harvard.</p>

<p>AHHH! I know right!
i watched that entire episode of gossip girl when they went to Yale and it made me want to punch all of them in the face…I want to go to Yale so bad and Im constantly seeing it being referenced.
High school musical: 2 Juliards, 1 Yale, 1 Stanford, and 1 UCB (WHAT THE HELL!?!)</p>

<p>all these random idiots on tv shows are constantly getting accepted and it kills me
(not to mention that all my friends that watch these shows have no idea how hard it is to get in…this is a direct quote, “Yale is so hard to get into. They only accept like 1 in 4 people who apply”)</p>

<p>lol except the episode was shot at columbia :P</p>

<p>do you guys think gossip girl on dec 15 will be about yale? or will they wait for april? and who’s watching now?</p>

<p>Wait, who in High School musical went to Juilliard? The weird guy who was Sharpay’s brother? Or that Russian girl? Or both?</p>

<p>Gossip Girl gives teenagers everywhere the false impression that you can party, smoke pot, get drunk, engage in acts of promiscuity, and scheme 24/7, and somehow still put off all the credentials. Well, when you’ve got the money, I suppose it’s a bit easier…</p>

<p>Did anyone love that one episode when they rattled off all of Nelly Yuki’s credentials, including something like Intel STS Finalist? That made me laugh.</p>

<p>haha yeah! i found that hilarious too!

<p>in my anger i totally forgot about gossip girl (my fave guilty pleasure)!!</p>

<p>that show is seriously reppin the ivy league. EVERYONE wants to go to yale. first dan wanted to go to dartmouth, but then he switched to yale after their english department grabbed the D profs. aaron rose goes to brown. lilly went to brown.</p>

<p>they all get effing handwritten notes. ha. and NELLY YUKI is so great. i loved the SAT and college rep episodes. its not everyday an Intel STS finalist can rock a blair waldorf inspired headband.</p>

<p>i am obsessed. (althought tonights episode was a little ehhh.)</p>

<p>l enjoy this thread =]</p>

<p>lol… fictional characters… </p>

<p>Leave it to some script writer/author to cheaply advertise how brilliant their characters are…</p>

<p>A computer hacker/software engineer/quantum physicist with double Ph D in Astrophysics? No problem! Just write in - MIT or CalTech and the character is an automatic genius… </p>

<p>A world renowned anthropologist/archeologist/Linguist- Just write in - HYP (professorship) and you’re set. </p>

<p>Some brilliant high school main character graduating at season finale in some teen show? - Just write in a top 15 school, most likely a top Ivy caliber private. </p>

<p>A smart friend of the above character? - Just write in a top reputable public. </p>

<p>Some can’t be beaten, never lost a trial lawyer? - Just write in as either a Yale/ Harvard law grad…</p>

<p>Lisa Simpson? - She goes to Yale. (Owned by the McDonalds corporation)</p>

<p>remember: </p>

<p>Elle Woods (legally blonde) to Harvard Law school. Now, that was really something.</p>

<p>er, this entire page makes me feel like the only guy who applied. Any other guys out there have basically (never watched those shows.) no idea what they (assuming they are girls) are talking about?</p>