Suggestions for incoming freshman

I am not sure if they have posted when move in date is for freshman, but I have read some posts about some special dates before move in for camps and such. Does anyone have any suggestions for the different opportunities for freshman before move in?

There’s a whole thread about important dates here:

I’ve seen most people suggest Camp 1831 and/or Honors Action (or Outdoor Action or Black Belt Action). The Action programs start August 12. There are two session of camp 1831 (August 8-10 and August 13-15), though you can’t do the second session if you do an Action program .

The Honors Camps are a great option for kids in the Honors College. If not, Camp 1831 is great as well. Girls that will be rushing a sorority will also have early move in. None of these programs are mandatory but instead are ways to get on campus ahead of time and meet people and get to know the campus. Definitely something to consider if you’re able to swing it.