Honors Action details? Scheduling/timing?

My daughter is planning on attending Outdoor Action before beginning her freshman year. Although the dates haven’t been posted yet for 2015, it appears that it is generally a M-F program the week prior to classes beginning on Wednesday. Also, the kids move in to their dorm early and stay there during Honors Action. So, I’m guessing the Honors Action kids move-in that Sunday? Is that right? Or is it Monday?

So, when do the rest of the kids (Freshman) arrive for checkin? That weekend, or not until Monday/Tuesday before classes begin? What do the Honors Action kids do Sat-Tues prior to classes beginning Wednesday? Do most/all of them hang out on campus and have fun with their new friends? Are parents around? We live 800 miles away and are planning on driving our daughter to campus and getting her settled in, so I am wondering if I should plan to hang out (out of her way, of course) that entire week to be around that following weekend to get her settled in? Please advise!

I figure I’d like to find a hotel for the move in weekend . . . and maybe for longer if I should be around both to deliver her for Outdoor Action and again for the day or two of official move-in . . . but I’m having trouble figuring out when that would be!

Any advice would be appreciated!


Move in for honors action will likely be Fri-Sat before program starts on Sunday. Students that move in early include honors action. Sorority recruitment, million dollar band and a few other groups. The remaining students move in the following Fri-Sun. I don’t see ant need to stick around for a week, you’ll have plenty of time to get her settled at move-in.

We moved DS in on Friday. Didn’t take long at all, very organized. Stopped back by Sat. Morning for a last minute run to Walmart and breakfast and headed out.

Once honors action starts, students won’t have much time to spend with parents. I like how early move-in is now Friday-Saturday instead of Sunday only as students have the opportunity to get settled before starting Honors Action. Up until a couple years ago, students moved in on Sunday morning and started Honors Action that afternoon.

The time between the end of Honors Action and the start of classes is part of Week of Welcome (WOW). It’s a time for students to get acclimated to campus life before classes start. This is actually one of the most important times of the year to be on campus.

As @beadymom mentioned, plan to leave on Saturday or Sunday. Sure, you might get a number of calls from your student saying that they’re homesick. Listen to their complaints and tell them to get out of their room and go do something. Even something as routine as grocery shopping at Publix can be a great way to get out and meet people.

Some students do a limited move-in during early or regular move-in and have their parents bring down anything they decide they need during family weekend, which is around a month after classes start. This can definitely cut down on the number of things one brings to their relatively small living area.

Thanks so much!! Sounds like we should plan to arrive to Tuscaloosa by Friday morning, check her in Friday, then hang out with her Saturday . . . and cry ourselves back home without her Sunday. :slight_smile: Thanks much. Super helpful!!!

Just to add, after the honors action programs are over there is a long weekend before classes start. For our student, he stayed plenty busy, getting ready for classes, hanging out with other action students, etc. This was a great low stress time to get used to being on campus. We are so glad he participated in this program.

Reminder… hotels and VRBO rentals all book EARLY for all Move In dates (including AA/OA/rush, etc) so find your lodging now.

I know that one of my VRBO condos has a booking for one weekend already

Thanks, guys! I booked our hotel, and I really appreciate the info! (I booked it for Thurs-Sun before the Outdoor Action . . . and booked another one for Thurs-Sun for regular move in, just in case for some reason she doesn’t end up doing Outdoor Action. I am 99% sure she will, but figured a refundable hotel reservation was good insurance just in case!) I think the Outdoor Action (or any of the Action programs, but OA is the best match for my outdoorsy stream-loving girl) will be a great way to start off and build relationships, etc. Very exciting! This is getting very real!

Also remember that there are limited spots in OA and AA, so be sure to register as soon as you can.

Will do, mom2collegekids! She’ll apply as soon as the application is posted (presumably early Feb from what t I’ve read)

Outdoor Action really helped my daughter transition into school. She said that she highly recommends it. :slight_smile:

One more reminder – Dining Halls will not be open when you do early move-in. Be certain to plan to pay for meals out of pocket or stock the dorm fridge.

On dining and early move-in: For fall 2014, we moved son in on Friday mid-day (the Friday before Honors Action started)…and first meal was served in the dining hall on Saturday evening (Burke cafeteria at least – Lakeside may not have opened until lunch on Sunday – not completely sure). Hopefully dining halls will open again fairly quickly for fall 2015.