<p>i'm a freshman at emory and i'm looking to transfer. i don't like the atmosphere, the people, etc...
anyway, i don't really know where i want to go.
i have a 3.65 gpa from last semester. i'm doing a lot of extracurricular activities so that should look good. not sure about my recommendations yet... 3.8 gpa in hs and 2270 sats with good ecs
i'd like to be in the northeast, and i'm just looking for somewhere with a population of students who are less focused on money, money, money like there are here.
<p>please help me!</p>
<p>Well, your stats are excellent. But it’s really difficult for anyone to recommend a school based on that one criterion of students “less focused on money.” That is so subjective.</p>
<p>If you talk more about what you want in a school - size, location, major field… we might have some ideas. Usually what you get though is each of us listing the few schools we know first-hand… which still might help.</p>
<p>Well, your stats are excellent. But it’s really difficult for anyone to recommend a school based on that one criterion of students “less focused on money.” That is so subjective.</p>
<p>If you talk more about what you want in a school - size, location, major field… we might have some ideas. Usually what you get though is each of us listing the few schools we know first-hand… which still might help.</p>
<p>basically, i want a school with kids who are more intellectual and interested in good causes than into getting in the business school. somewhere with a less pre-professional feel. more down-to-earth kids, you know?
as i said, location - northeast. size - any.
major - undecided… maybe writing, communications, political science, philosophy…
i’m interested in brown, but i don’t know if i could get in…
thoughts? suggestions? anything will be appreciated!</p>
<p>Swathmore, UChicago, Reed are the best sounding fits, unfortunately only one in the NE. Sarah Lawrence might work too.</p>
<p>Brown, like all the ivies is pretty pre professional these days.</p>
<p>I don’t get what’s wrong with pre-professionalism - all it means is you’re planning to be a professional. how many of us will end up as professors or academics? very few are so interested in a subject they choose to pursue a ph.d or even a masters. most of us are pre-professional, because while college is fun and all, we have to get jobs one day. </p>
<p>Try a good LAC like Swarthmore, Amherst, Williams, Vassar, etc…those are pretty selective, but you have strong credentials imo</p>
<p>why is everyone else’s stats better than mine -___- lol. well, im going strong for now, but.</p>
<p>so i’m guessing you don’t mind the cold weather? look into boston college maybe? i’m just giving some more ideas haha. I think UChicago sounds nice for you and so does Brown — just go for it!</p>
<p>Check out Bard, Hampshire, Vassar, Wesleyan, and maybe a school like Goucher. Some of those schools might be too far in the arty direction for you, but they’ll definitely be a change of pace.</p>