Summer att brown?

<p>I wanna apply for summer at brown
I am a sophmore in HS is it really hard to get into?
also what are the best classes there?</p>

<p>From what I've heard, I don't think summer @ brown is too competitive. I know plenty of people who have gone their, and aren't even applying to Brown itself because it's so competitive.</p>

<p>well, i don't really know, but i dont think it's too competitive. I honestly think it's one of those thing where if you're willing to pay the money, you can go. I'm a freshman and I want to do the summer at Brown program in a few year. the leadership insitute looks intresting. </p>

<p>oh and btw i LOVE your screen name!! GO YANKEES</p>

<p>Go! Do it! I'm an RA there this summer. :)</p>