<p>I got accepted for the Summer B term.
I just wanted to know how much some of you all have to pay out of pocket to cover classes and books, etc. I am really worried about the costs. Also, is the costs for Summer term more expensive than Fall or Spring?</p>
<p>As for the housing
I payed the $25 dollars in late December, but not the $200 yet. Can someone reccommend dorms where I can meet new people but not too crazy with parties and stuff. And location is important because I don't want to stay far from my classes.</p>
<p>As far as costs go, tuition in summer is not different than fall/spring. (However scholarship may not be funded on these periods).</p>
<p>Prepaid college will pay for summer tuition if you have it, but not Bright Futures.
Dorm is on your own.
And you have to pay the 200 for summer and the 200 for fall by Feb 26</p>
<p>All Florida Students attending a University are required to take summer classes…you are just getting yours done early
Summer B is WONDERFUL at UF…my daughter attended last year. If you need financial aid complete your FAFSFA ASAP for last year and also for this year. Prepaid will pay for summer but NOT FL Bright Futures. Be really super careful about the classes you choose because everything is crammed into a shorter term…just a word to the wise. Intro Chemistry is a killer…steer clear! I think I had to pay about $800 out of pocket for the dorm (after the $200 deposit)…you need to deposit $200 for the fall also. They nickel and dime you to death at first. You also must attend PreView which you must pay for also! Take preliminary tests which youmust pay for.</p>
<p>Pretty sure you are exempt from summer school if you have 9 or more AP credits or Dual enrollment.
I would think that would be most UF admits</p>
<p>I pay for all of my own school/living/cellphone/car/insurance/etc payments myself, and I struggle a lot in the summer to make ends meet. Without Bright Futures to lean on, and without the availability of federal aid such as loans, it’s basically 100% out-of-pocket. The classes cost about the same, which means you’ll probably spend close to a thousand dollars on those alone. If you’re going to pay the $800 to live in a dorm over Summer B, I’d recommend taking at least two classes so at least you get your money’s worth out of the living costs. The cost of each class varies, but with all books and online homework codes and clickers factored in, plus tutoring, I probably spend an additional $200 per class. So definitely save that graduation money! Summer is amazing and totally worth it, but it’s EXPENSIVE.</p>