Summer Camps

<p>I understand that doing a summer camp looks pretty good on a college application, but I was wondering if there are any that do not cost an arm and a freaking leg! (All the ones I have seen cost at LEAST 500-600 cheapest!)</p>


<p>$500-600 is not a lot at all, really. Remember, they’re paying for food, heat, room and board, etc.</p>

<p>Remember that you can also get in touch with a local professor and ask to do research with them. (I admit I never did this, but I’ve heard that it typically works). You are free labor to them and typically they’ll appreciate it.
There are also a few things that are free (I know some of the MIT summer programs are)and there’s a Drexel Engineering program that I went to that I think is now about 300 dollars for 3 weeks that was an amazing experience.
So, yes, there are some that can run 5000-6000 dollars (my best friend went to MathCamp for 2 years and loved it), but there are also much more affordable options.</p>

<p>Thank you FantomBassoon about the Drexel info! I will definitely apply, but probably AFTER I apply for this internship I am currently interested in at Rush University/hospital. (Which is in Chicago; MUCH closer than Pennsylvania!)</p>

<p>And Cider, I understand that 500-600 is not a lot, but you have to understand that this is coming straight out of my pocket from last summer’s job. (About 400 dollars.) So it is for ME, but for any kids with parents that are willing to help, it isn’t!</p>

I applied to about 14 schools, it SUCKS, that’s like 800 dollars straight from my job. And i have gotten into only one of those schools yet and deferred at another one(MIT).</p>

<p>Check and see if the camps/programs you’re interested in have financial aid or scholarships too. I attended a very selective 6 week program last year (that’s only for NH residents though) that cost upwards of $2500, but with a combined financial aid and scholarship offer I went for free.</p>

<p>does spacecamp (advanced space academy) in huntsville AL. count much for MIT?
came all the way from Dubai lol…</p>

<p>“I applied to about 14 schools, it SUCKS, that’s like 800 dollars straight from my job. And i have gotten into only one of those schools yet and deferred at another one(MIT).”</p>

<p>I’m feeling you there. I applied to 12 schools, got accepted at 2, and got deferred at another school (yale EA); it was like $600+… insane</p>

<p>I’ve tried to forget about money in college app fees because it’s just painful to work really hard, pay money, and know that there’s still a small chance of acceptance. Well, at least I’m 3/3 right now. :D</p>

<p>Thanks everyone, again, for your input! (And your glum attitude towards application fees. :smiley: ) So right now these are my priorities for summer:</p>

<li>Internship at Rush Medical University/Hospital</li>
<li>Drexel Program</li>
<li>College Courses at local Community College</li>
<li>Summer School for Spanish III</li>

<p>I will also be studying computer sciences on the side because I never took the regular class, and I will be jumping straight into AP. (Which I do not want to do. I’ve actually been playing around with Java language a little, using Dr. Java LOL.)</p>

<p>If you need any more info about the Drexel Program, PM me. BTW, what are you interested in studying once you get to MIT?</p>

<p>I’m interested in going something along the lines of aerospace engineering. But right now I’m really all for that or mechanical or electrical. But I seriously love the idea of working on rockets and satellites. Even missiles and jet engines. I’ll def. PM you Fantom!</p>

<p>Check out the MITES and RSI programs at MIT. They’re free.</p>

<p>WTP at MIT gives scholarships.</p>

<p>I’m Indian, so do I qualify for MITES? :-D</p>

<p>Of course you can go to MITES if you’re Indian. Technically, you don’t have to be a minority to go (although Indian is certainly a minority).</p>

<p>Whether you “qualify” is a different matter. :)</p>

<p>LOL yes! It seems like the candidates for these programs are kids that literally have the mindset of a senior researcher! (Which I do not have, unfortunately… Still not saying that I’m stupid, or I wouldn’t even attempt to apply to MIT.)</p>

<p>I thought MITES is only open to US residents:</p>

<p>Eligibility: This program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are currently in the 11th grade and will be rising seniors in the summer of 2009. We do not have other national programs for other age groups at this time.</p>

<p>That is correct, but territories of the U.S. and U.S. military bases count. There have been students from Puerto Rico and Germany before.</p>