Summer Classes

I plan on taking a few courses this summer, 6 to be exact. For the first summer session I plan on taking Microbiology w lab (4 Units), Public Speaking (3 Units) a hybrid course where most work is done online and speeches are delivered on select mondays, and Logic In Practice (3 Units) an online course. The second summer session I plan on taking General Psychoogy (3 Units) Online, Biological Psychology (3 Units) not online and also not a hybrid course, and Intro to Sociology (3 Units also not a hybrid or online course). How hard do you think the workload would be? I feel like Microbiology will be the most time consuming course but I don’t have experience taking summer courses so I would like to know if this is doable since most of these classes except microbiology aren’t really “hard” and by hard I mean a class where I will have to spend hours on hours studying for. I also forgot that I am going to be doing early start math at a csu so maybe drop the logic in practice and sociology course?