<p>Hey guys, so I'm a rising junior and this summer I just completely my last final for a Physics class yesterday. Scores aren't out yet, but I think I received a B in the class. (I wanted an A so I'm extremely anxious and feeling down.) Bottom line is, how will a B in a summer class affect your transcript/GPA (weighted and unweighted)? I'm pretty sure my school counts it as a class of some sort instead of a pass/fail course that offers credits. I have a 4.0 unweighted (assortment of A's) So I was wondering what will be my unweighted be if Physics counted as a class?
Also will this benefit me or hurt me more? I'm aiming for UCLA, UCB, maybe Stanford, and schools around that level.
I heard that it was possible to not transfer the credits at all, but that just seems like a waste of an entire Summer then. Should I use them as college credits when I'm in college instead?</p>
<p>I ended up getting a B. Bump/10char</p>
<p>I don’t know, because it depends on how your school calculates things. At my school summer courses are included in GPA. My school calculates GPA as:</p>
<p>GPA=sum of grade points/number of credits taken</p>
<p>Therefore, a B in a summer course would lower the GPA. </p>
<p>Then my school has the Cumulative Difficulty Weight, which is a measure of the overall rigor of the courses. Honors courses get 1.33, and regular get 1. To calculate CDW, it’s (1.33(# of honors credits) + 1.0(# of regular credits))/prescribed load. </p>
<p>Prescribed load is four credits for the first six completed semesters, and then 2 credits for semester 7 and 8. </p>
<p>Class rank is determined by the Class Rank Index, which is GPA x CRI. </p>
<p>So I think you could get a B and still maintain your rank, but that depends on what other classes you’ve taken. For me, I took 2 regular credit classes this summer, and was told by my counselor that it wouldn’t dilute my ratio of honors to regular classes, but actually be good for my rank, because I would have more credits than the prescribed load. </p>
<p>At my school, we have a certain amount of time after the start of the class to change it to audit status. I’m not sure about your credit transferring as college credit. For me, only certain courses (and the teacher has to go through this sort of certification process) are dual enrollment, and we have to pay the fee and say that we want to do it by a certain date. You should be able to find out all that you need in your district’s handbook.</p>