Summer programs for current college students?

<p>I'm a college student (I'll be 20 next month), and I really want to do a drama summer program, but thus far I haven't been able to find many programs that aren't only for high schoolers.</p>

<p>Circle in the Square has very good summer workshop programs.</p>

<p>[Circle</a> in the Square Theatre School: Training Programs](<a href=“]Circle”></p>

<p>It is separate and distinct from the “young peoples’” (aka high school) summer session.</p>

<p>It starts in July and ends the first week of August, approximately one month. With the exchange rate it is looking like a bargain these days.</p>

<p>The current issue of Dramatics Magazine, (February 2009), has a pretty comprehensive listing of summer programs and their specs. There are summer camps, internships, apprenticeships, and summer stock. The listings include cost, age, offerings, etc. Some provide room and board and even a small stipend to their college age intern/apprentices.</p>