Summer School Advice *PLEASE*

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>First of all I would like to thank you guys for reading this post. I'm going to be a second year this upcoming fall 2012 quarter and I've decided to take summer school here at UCLA.</p>

<p>I've sent in all my papers and I have already enrolled in my classes already.
I'm taking:</p>

<p>Session A:
Chemistry 30A with Shiraki</p>

<p>Session C:
Biostats 100a with SAYRE
Health Services 100 with TORRENS, P.R.</p>

<p>I am pretty satisfied with the classes I'm taking already but I'm not too sure about the workload for my session C schedule. I read that Biostats is an easy A and so is health services but I would like to get some feedback/thoughts on my schedule.</p>

<p>Truthfully, I am thinking of switching out Health Services for Life Science 2 but I think that will make my workload harder.</p>

<p>Thanks again for reading this and taking your time to respond. I really need some feedback and some constructive criticism for the classes I'm taking over the summer.</p>

<p>P.S. I'm a biochemistry major trying to get a Public Health minor too.</p>

<p>2 summer classes is fine. It depends on what else you plan to do with your summer. Please don’t try to have us evaluate your abilities without knowing anything more about you.</p>

<p>Sorry, and thanks for your reply phospholipase.</p>

<p>I meant it as a general student, one that does his/her work and does average. Neither excelling nor failing. Usually I find that basis to be a good starter.</p>

<p>I just want to know whether it would be too much to have one class over the other.</p>

<p>In one session I’ve taken Civic Engagement 10, Political Science 40, and English Composition 3 and excelled in all.</p>

<p>In another session I’ve taken Economics 1 and Physics 1B and did well in both.</p>

<p>2 classes is good. 3 becomes a bit harder. Taking just 1 will really allow you to focus.</p>

<p>LS2 needs you a lot of time. I don’t know if it is different in summer though.</p>

<p>biostats 100a summer with sayre is easier than ap stats.</p>

<p>the class is a joke.</p>

<p>for the final, he gave us a spread of numbers and asked us to find the mean, median, mode.</p>

<p>we were allowed calculators.</p>