Summer School, etc.

<p>Okay, so I don't really have summer plans. I'm volunteering at the library twice a week,and doing SAT prep. Although it's WAY past the deadline, I may try and take summer school. (There wasn't transportation before, and now their is)</p>

<p>My brother thinks its a HORRIBLE idea, but my parents think it's a good idea because I don't really have anything else to do, and it will be good to get a hard subject done (Probably physics, but the standard level bc I hear honors is AWFUL over the summer) so I won't have to worry about it during the year.</p>

<p>I've had a hard year with school and a bunch of other stuff, so my grades aren't very good. (BTW I'm just finishing up my sophmore year) </p>

1.Have you ever taken a summer school course? Do you regret it?
2. If I take it, should I replace it with another course for junior year, and then not take a science senior year? Or keep the space open for junior year?</p>

<p>You mean summer school at a community college for credit for college? That would be a good idea, a lot of people at my school did it for art just to fullfill their art credit and also psych., because its easy. You should definitely do it, if you have the time. :]</p>

<p>Take a class. I have never regretted it.</p>

<p>No, I’m talking about at my high school. (Well it’s at the middle school because of construction, but you get my point.)</p>

<p>This would just get a class out of the way that I have previously been planning on taking during the regular school year. But, I ALWAYS struggle with science, so although it would be a lot of work, I don’t have much else planned, and it would be great to get ahead a little more.</p>

<p>(My philosphy has been to try and make things as easy as possible for me senior year… which probably isn’t very good, but I’m going to be even more burnt out then.)</p>

<p>I doubt that they’ll let you.</p>

<p>You mean let me take it even though it’s past the registration date?</p>

<p>They may not, and truthfully it’s a longshot… I just wanted to know people’s opinions on summer school.</p>