<p>Hey, I’m Falcons '11, and I will be going through BCT at USAFA this June. I went to Summer Seminar 2006 Session A, and I was curious as to who else went to Summer Seminar 2006 and will be going to USAFA this June, too. Thanks.</p>
<p>I went to session B... B-1 Bombers! hoo-ah! :)</p>
<p>As stupid as it sounds, my element's nickname was ODM - Outrageous Death Monkeys, but we were officially C-8. At first, people laughed when they heard our name. But by the end of Summer Seminar, our name and our war chant were feared, since we were such fierce competitors. We didn't win Honor Element, though. :~(</p>
<p>I went to summer seminar session A. I was in A-9. I can't wait till orientation! Only 3 more weeks! USAFA is AMAZING! Basic is gonna rock! I'll see some of yall in April and for the rest, I'll see you at inprocessing!</p>
<p>I was at Session B. B4 - element of the flight baby!</p>
<p>I was at session a.. C-7!!!</p>
<p>Hey, C-7! I think we played you guys in ultimate frisbee or something like that. Cool. It's nice to know that some other people from session A did get in besides mitchell and me. :~))</p>
<p>B-9 Fightin' Amish!
I was the slow one who made everyone else in session B look good. -_-;</p>
<p>Cool!! But it must have been either volleyball or dodgeball...I don't think we played ultimate frisbee. USAFA was great, and I can't wait to go back in April! I'm sooo excited!</p>
<p>i was session A; A-4...the estrogen-dominated group. seriously, how did we end up with an element that was 6-5 to the girls?! and then doolie day...2 of the guys didn't do it, so we outnumbered them 6-3....everything was REALLY high pitched :) anyway, orientation in 2 weeks...whoop!</p>
<p>Session B, element B-6 Snails ( so dam slow)</p>
<p>A-7. Rivals to the infamous "steaksauce." Did anyone here witness the outrageous food eating competition during doolie for a day? We mixed up a pretty nasty concoction of mustard ketchup mayonnaise and A-1 that some girl chugged. ANyway...I'll be there :)</p>
<p>Luke- YES! a guy a few tables down from us went running outside to throw up...just from watching. highly entertaining, though</p>