Summer tour

I am planning to ask DD to apply UA, but she likes to stay close to home …I plan to arrange a visit for her in August
I looked into the old threads and found this one… but I still have so many questions…

Do I arrange the visit with the honor college *in addition to * the campus tour?
will she be doing the campus tour than a honor college tour?
Her father will likely be going with her and he is also not interested in sending her out of state despite the potential scholarship, hence I like them to see what UA has impressed so many of you…

We signed up for the campus tour, then contacted the Honors College. I think the Honors College might be able to sign you up for the campus tour, though, so you might check with them first. If you share your daughter’s interests with the Honors College, they can tailor the visit for her. The Alabama visit was the most impressive of any colleges we toured.

We contacted the regional recruiter and told him what we wanted to do… engineering meeting, college tour, honors college tour, and he set everything up for us.


I’m pretty sure we contacted the Honors college and they set everything up for us.

We had already booked our campus tour but then contacted the Honors College and they scheduled the rest of our day around the pre-scheduled tour.

We contacted the Honors College, and they set everything up for us, including the campus tour. The more specific you are about your daughter’s interests, the more they’ll try to tailor the visit to her.

A word of warning, however: August is brutally hot and humid in Tuscaloosa. You might want to consider a visit when the weather is cooler.

And for what it’s worth, my son didn’t want to go far away to school either, but he couldn’t pass on what they offered him. He’s having the time of his life in Tuscaloosa, but we waited until spring of his senior year to actually visit. By that point, he was a lot more open to the idea of going out of state and the weather, in the spring was a welcome respite from a brutal winter up north!

I’m not sure where you’re from or whether your daughter is a warm weather fan, but if she doesn’t like/isn’t used to the heat, then particularly if she isn’t already gung ho about Alabama, I would seriously consider what @LucieTheLakie is suggesting. My daughter had two reservations about UA - it was too far from home and she preferred cooler weather. I scheduled her tour for January, as I didn’t want her ruling out a school without even giving it a good chance because she was immediately turned off by the weather. She ended up choosing Alabama and having a good experience, but there is no doubt in my mind that had she visited in August it would have been off the list before she returned home. And, interestingly, my daughter who thought she hated the heat has graduated and remained in Alabama.

Heading to UA this week for campus tour and honors college visit, the forecast is balmy! Will let you all know what we think and if the August heat and humidity impact my childs impression–we are arriving completely open with no expectations.

@Meant2B Bring a little umbrella, and have a great time!

Thanks @flatKansas, already packed one! :slight_smile: