<p>My sister is interested in attending a prestigious summer writing camp
Do you know any prestigious writing camps that you would like to recommend?
She's a class of 2010 and is a great writer.
<p>I went there this summer(and I guess she wont be able to go untill the summer before her senior year, but nonetheless, keep this one in mind). I had the time of my life, met amazing people, fell in love with Carleton(I'm going to go there next year). The program is really well done, and you get access to some of Carleton's best professors, and take some super interesting classes. I can't speak highly enough about it.</p>
<p>If she's interested in creative writing, the Iowa Young Writer's Studio is excellent, and quite well-recognized: <a href="http://www.uiowa.edu/%7Eiyws/%5B/url%5D">http://www.uiowa.edu/~iyws/</a></p>