Sunday Open House Anyone?

<p>My D and I are heading to Miami this weekend for the senior Open House on Sunday. A parent here on CC was gracious enough to put us in touch with his daughter who invited my D to attend the football game with her and her friends. My D is so excited!</p>

<p>Anyone else attending the open house Sun? Has anyone who has gone previously have any tips for navigating the day? Are the sessions really large? I am concerned about us being able to hear well. I called Admissions to inquire about seating up front as we are both hearing impaired and was told, "There is no reserved seating, just sit up front." Thanks for any insight.</p>

<p>I am going this year with my daughter. My husband went last year with my son. They have a few campus tours throughout the day so if you miss one you can get another one at a later time when things are less crowded. The place is full but a lot of the questions can be answer at the fair later during the day. There they will have specific booths for financial aid, co-op -internships, etc. My suggestion to you is :if your son/ daughter get accepted and you want to make sure that Miami is the right place,just call administration and tell them that you want to spend a day at Miami. They will help you plan a more hands on visit, and your student will get a chance to go and sit in a classroom and enjoy a real day at the U.</p>

<p>Thanks. We are already here. She went to a game last night and despite the rain, had a lot of fun. Going to be cloudy and rainy all day but we’re going to head over for the morning tour anyway. If she is accepted, we will come back for a more personalized day. :)</p>