Sunny Weather

<p>I hear that in Madison the winters can be quite cold, but are not very cloudy. Is it really sunny all the time?!</p>

<p>probably not. it snows a lot</p>

<p>Winter is winter in Wisconsin. It gets very cold and it snows like crazy. Winter here has periods of sunshine and overcast skies. There's four seasons here... all are very distinct. Most people love it or hate it.</p>

<p>Average snowfall for entire winter is about 44 inches--not much really. Compare with upstate NY, etc.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>ya compare with Tetons >.<</p>

<p>Okay, so it's not Buffalo. It still snows quite a bit across the entire state - the most snow falls north of Madison, but hey - we Wisconsinites love it here :)</p>

<p>And when someone tells you it's too cold to snow, do not believe them.</p>