Weather at UW Madison

Hey guys. So this past weekend I visited UW Madison and I absolutely loved it. Though cold (which I don’t mind too much), it was super sunny which was so nice. I am someone who suffers from seasonal affective disorder, and so I get very down during overcast, dreary weather. Seeing the sun in Madison made me very happy. Is UW Madison typically this sunny or did I just happen to get lucky? Thanks for taking a look at this

I would get a light if I were you. Even if the sun is out, the days are very short in the winter.

Definitely purchase a high-output light for light-therapy. Also, take Vitamin D3 in the winter unless you get about 20 min. of sun each day.

The cold days are often sunny. Nowhere near as bad as Seattle for SAD

^ Thank you all for the input. And yes I am definitely going to invest in a high-output light no matter where I go. In hindsight, I think I’ll be able to deal with SAD if I end up going to UW. From the sounds of it, the sunlight deficiencies are definitely worse in other regions of the country and so the situation could definitely be worse. If anyone else has anything to add, please do so. Thanks again guys!!!