SUNY Albany vs. SUNY Binghamton vs. Umass Amherst: SOCIOLOGY

I'm debating between going to Suny albany, Suny Binghamton, or Umass amherst for next fall.
Suny albany was ranked the highest among the 3 in sociology in US rankings, but Binghamton seems to be an overall better school.
Which school in your opinion has the best sociology program, and why?

<p>I have a similar questions regarding rankings of the best programs in undergraduate schools in the US, but in biology. What makes a good program anyway? (Not a rhetorical question, someone please help me clarify this!)</p>

<p>But here’s my answer: I’m going to Bing over Stony because it has, like you said, better overall academics. And what really matters for an undergraduate career, specialization or well-roundedness? I personally believe being immersed in an intellectually curious and motivated surrounding is so very important in helping you grow and develop a strong character. What you want to take from your undergraduate experience is knowledge from challenging courses in your field, networking with students you connect to and who you can see becoming happy and successful in their careers, networking with professors who you connect to and can rely on for recommendations, and lots and lots of experience that shows you are competent in the real world. The more extensive the department, the more opportunity you will have to do these things fully. And if any of those schools meet this criteria, then I would say go to the school that is a true fit for you.</p>

<p>thanks for the reply BioN3RD! I visited both Sunys and agree with you; Binghamton seemed to have much more motivated students and an overall better atmosphere.</p>

<p>SUNY Albany doesn’t seem to be done cutting humanities yet. I think your best bet would be Binghamton</p>

<p>Some schools have nothing left to cut!</p>