SUNY Purchase Dance major, acceptances

Has anyone already gotten in at Purchase for dance. My d didn’t audition until 3/17.

we have not heard yet either

We have not yet heard back either. My daughter had her callback audition on February 17th.

Thanks for sharing. This is one of the last pieces of the college process for us to pick a school.

So we are in the same boat!

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My daughter had her callback Feb 17th, as well. Have not heard anything. emailed admissions counselor yesterday this is the only college we are waiting on to make decisions.

Any news from the admissions counselor?


Still nothing… This is insane.

I agree!!

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I saw someone post on Instagram recently about receiving their acceptance

Has anyone heard? we still have not received any news

Still nothing… :frowning:

Rolling admissions. They are still making decisions. You can zoom with admissions office until 3 p.m. today which I just did. They recommend emailing your student’s counselor to let them know you are anxiously awaiting. Happy Easter and Passover!

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Thank you! Hopefully we will all hear soon so decisions can be made!

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@college2soon Happy Easter & Passover to you too! Let’s all hope for good news to follow!

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Has anyone heard when will they release their decisions ?

I heard from another group on Facebook that some have heard but others have not yet. That one person was told from admissions this week the rest of the decisions would be going out. One other woman wrote 5 dancers from the same studio, including her daughter had their callbacks together and only 3 heard… 2 yes and 1 no. The other 2 haven’t heard back yet. Still holding out for positive news! Good luck everyone!

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My daughter received her acceptance email yesterday. I have heard people are finally starting to hear, some yesterday & today. Hope everyone else receives good news!

Congratulations CarlisleRose!! We are still waiting …