Super Impressed with UA so far!

Bama, you make things so easy!

First: Degree Works, and now: Schedule Builder!

I put in the desired courses, click a button, and viola - it auto-generates a bunch of schedules that fit the parameters and allows one to cross-compare them!

When I look at the organization of UA’s website with all the finish in 4 schedules and add in the ease of using Degree Works and Schedule Builder, I have to wonder: why don’t all universities make it this simple?

Because they dont have tide!

roll tide!

Is your child premed?

@mom2collegekids - my oldest likes finance/math - but younger sib likes science and currently torn between engineering and pure physics - the premed idea is mine just to keep options open by taking pre-reqs like bio, gen chem and organic Chem - but alas my rants about the recent increased administrative hassles of practicing medicine probably have been a turn off… I should have thought before speaking lol!