Super Late Materials (Letters of Rec, School Report), What Should I Do?

Okay, so I think this was the first time that my counselor EVER had one of her students apply to privates (I have a big school 3000+ students and only 8 counselors) so she wasn’t really sure what to do. Honestly, I told her about the School Report 2 weeks before break but she told me that she had never heard of such a thing. I bugged her the next week again about it, trying my best to explain what it is, but she said that she’d ask one of our other counselor’s about it.

Well, I emailed her during break multiple times but she did not respond. So I had to wait until we got back to break, 5 days after the deadline for 6/10 of my schools.

Luckily, I was able to contact my recommenders and they all assured me that they were able to submit the letters of rec to Naviance before the deadline. (NAVIANCE)

So I thought they were done but, for a whole week, I have checked multiple times and the recommendations were not submitted. I bugged my counselor and she was able to complete the school report by the first week that we got back.

But, after checking various times in the portals for the past 2 weeks, NONE of my colleges received the materials!

Finally, I went to a different counselor (yesterday) because my counselor wasn’t there to bug. She showed me that the counselor’s had to submit all the materials (Letters of Rec, School Report) to the colleges so that they could get them.

Then I discovered that one of my teachers did not do the Teacher Evaluation Form, just the written recommendation. When I told him, he had no clue as to what I was talking about.


So what should I do? Am I screwed with 6 of the colleges I applied for since most of the outside materials will be turned in super late? Should I email the admission officers and apologize, explaining the situation?

Does anyone know? I’m quite curious myself

Have you considered escalating the situation and urgency in a diplomatic fashion to your school’s principal?

Well, the issue has been resolved already. But I did not consider going to the Principal, I didn’t exactly want to piss off my counselor when she had access to the letter of recommendation she was writing for me.