<p>I'm rank 4/460 and I have a 4.3 W GPA
2240 SAT
I've applied to Duke, Cornell, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, Caltech, and Berkeley.
I've got to get into one of those colleges. At least one.</p>
<p>Anyways, now, I feel completely useless...I've stopped working on my classes...I've stopped giving a crap. Like I feel my life totally sucks now without the right social life. I've got no friends, no motivation, family doesn't understand me, no relationships....</p>
<p>I just want to escape.
Am I alone in feeling all this?</p>
<p>Just a random note: I hope you applied to some safeties. </p>
<p>Senior slump is common, so don’t worry too much about it. </p>
<p>Maybe you should ask yourself why you don’t have any friends/a social life. If you think that things will magically get better in college, then you might find yourself being disappointed…</p>
<p>^No like I do have a good social life…sorry for being vague.</p>
<p>Its just that I don’t get to hang out with them often. Ya know? Its like I’m missing out this connection factor.
The friends I used to make when I was a kid seemed so much more closer than the ones I have now…the ones now are so aloof.
And so I feel alone.</p>
<p>@fightchoke: If you don’t like my “whining,” you are welcome to leave.</p>
<p>Don’t sound so confident. Those schools are all hard to get into. Berkeley will be easier if you live in CA, and Cornell is the least competitive Ivy, but still. There are no guarantees.</p>
<p>I had more of a social life after college applications.</p>
<p>Everyone does feel some effect of senioritis, though. Luckily, it’s better to get it senior year than in college. I essentially have the same thing now… my 2nd semester freshman year of college. My GPA will probably fall to like a 3.6 after this semester. -_-</p>
<p>My senior friends didn’t get any sleep 1st semester because of college apps. 2nd semester they still don’t get any sleep, but because they are out all night partying. </p>
<p>You only have half a year left, so just let loose and try to connect. It doesn’t really matter, but it might make your senior year more fun. You might think that you can’t relate to your classmates; but it’s a social world out there and you have to learn how to get along with people who are different from you. </p>
<p>I’m saying all of this in reference to your other threads, in which you stated that you don’t have a social life. </p>
<p>Maybe it really is because of your school’s environment, but a self reevaluation is always good. I find it hard to believe that a genuinely nice/not stuck up guy can’t find any close friends. I sense an underlying problem. Just saying.</p>
<p>And I’m not trying to accuse you. I’m just pointing out that many people are incredulous/sad at why they don’t have that many friends when the problem often lies with themselves. In most cases they are boring, have a single track mind, arrogant, cocky, condescending, etc. All of these things can be very subtle, but they turn people off.</p>
<p>I’ve realized that because I’m so close to graduating, I just really don’t care what others think of me, so I just do whatever now. Be spontaneous. Chill. Loosen up. Do crazy stuff. I’ve realized I’m more happier and carefree as a result.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t count on an automatic acceptance to at least one of those institutions with that SAT. </p>
<p>And most seniors who worked their asses off freshman to 1st semester of senior year start enjoying themselves second semester, so I doubt many seniors can connect to your feeling that “life totally sucks”.</p>
<p>Eh you’re not alone. I can somewhat relate to you but I’m trying not to allow negative thoughts get in the way of me at least somewhat enjoying my senior year. Remember, this is the last semester you’ll ever have to spend in high school, so try to make it a good one (as cheesy as that sounds). You don’t want to leave high school bitter and cynical with bad memories.</p>
<p>I can relate to you alot! I’ve completely decided not to give a f*** anymore, which is a bad thing, i know, but i just can’t seem to get over the hump. Don’t study much, or do homework. I just try to get by. I kinda knew it was coming after i was done applying to all my schools and although my grades dropped by 2%, i doubt that’ll affect my admission decision. I also kind of wish i applied ED to my first choice so i would be able to prepare my self now, for freshman year, instead of doing the work i’m doing now.</p>
<p>i know how you feel. Senioritis has basically consumed me. I don’t feel like studying for any APs or any other classes. Yes i do feel like a lazy bum, but I just can’t wait till I get accepted to my dream college. I’m trying to not keep my hopes too high but agh. i hate the waiting!</p>
<p>Right now, I don’t have that bad of senioritis because I haven’t had school since last friday and won’t have it until at least next tuesday.</p>
<p>but last week was rough. i understand. i don’t think i did any homework and i just moped a lot. I got spring at UMCP the weekend before that so I didn’t see the point in trying when apparently my hard work the last three years wasn’t good enough. Who knew getting rejected caused worse senioritis than getting accepted?</p>
<p>Now, I’m just looking forward to late March when I hear back from my other schools and hoping for the best.</p>