Supplemental Essays

<p>The Common App just went live and now I can see UDel's writing supplement questions. However, when taken to that page the heading reads, "Writing Questions are Optional: Provide a short response, 200 words or fewer, to each of these prompts." What does it mean for it to be optional? I'm applying to other Common App schools with writing supplements but none say those questions are optional. Should I do the essay? There are three, so should I do all of them? Would not doing them hurt my chances for getting admitted?</p>

<p>I would contact UD’s Admission Department about this. On UD’s Freshman Application website it still states that an writing supplement of 250-650 words is still required as part of the admission’s application (with a second essay if you are applying to the Honor’s Program). If they are changing the requirements they have not yet modified their website to reflect this. Good luck.</p>