Supportive examples for an essay required ....plzz help!!?

<p>Hey i ws trying to write an essay on the following topic which required minimum 2 examples in support of my thesis...but m unable to do thesis is in support of the question..can someone plzzz provide me with adequate examples for it......</p>

<p>PROMPT: Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. –Dr. David M. Burns</p>

<p>Assignment: Do people focus so much on doing things right that they fail to learn from their mistakes? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and example taken from your reading, studies, experiences and observations.</p>

<p>There are many examples on the side of “learning from mistakes and omissions”.</p>

<p>Taking the United States government as an example, many past presidents “lost” early primaries, and even elections and then rebounded. President Nixon is a major example. He had lost the election for governor of California, and his first run for President. He refined his future campaigns, and grew to understand the electorate. He eventually won. This story is repeated many times and in many cultures.</p>

<p>Look at US history in regard to slavery. The constitution legitimized slavery, even counting slaves as “fractional” persons in the early census. But US leaders learned from early mistakes, including the defacto enslavement of Blacks after the Civil War. Each succeeding generation refined existing laws, and closed loopholes in the old.</p>

<p>Or consider some of our great business leaders, such as the late Steve Jobs. He made major mistakes in his early career, as with the early Apple Lisa computer. When he was fired from Apple, he started Next Computer. He took over Pixar. He apllied what we learned from his previous failures, and through these ventures he grew to understand the significance of technology to the masses.</p>

<p>Perhaps these three examples will make you think of others.</p>