Surviving High School

<p>Yes. I need help surviving high school. Any guys got tips for acing classes? And I dont mean lil normal classes where u get a 5 min assignment a week. I mean full on AP classes. Specifically English and Gov/Econ. And i got pre calculus(yikes i hate math) and physics(i heard this class hurts).</p>

<p>Eat breakfast and get sleep. The assignments will complete themselves.</p>

<p>Now, if only I had followed my own advice . . .</p>

<p>For English, read all the time. Read the books you're given to read in class, read outside of class, read the newspaper, read, read, and read. Reading not only boosts your vocabulary but also increases your ability to analyze and answer those crazy AP questions. </p>

<p>For Pre-Cal, there's really not much advice to give other than do your homework and pay attention in class. Don't get behind; everything is built upon each other. Keep up and you should do fantastically.</p>

<p>That's just my cent and a half, though.</p>

<p>Don't procrastinate, and don't SLACK off.. even after AP tests (that is if you still have classes in which you are actually working..)</p>

<p>yeah i agree the BEST advice is DONT will kill you. do whatever you have to do when you have to do it.</p>

<p>Figure out how you learn...some people are auditory, some are hands on and not all teachers can teach to the different styles of learning, so you need to help yourself</p>

<p>Figure out how you take notes best- some people like 3x5 cards, some like outlines, some can just read and remember, some learn by teaching</p>

<p>Organize your room, get the right supplies, planners, folders, highlighters etc. </p>

<p>Have a schedule and try and stick to it- one weekend day out, save Sunday for studying or something like that</p>

<p>Get a study group going</p>

<p>Have a good relationship with your teachers</p>

<p>Don't do video games too much</p>

<p>Don't hang out with kids who aren't as serious about school as you are</p>

<p>Set goals</p>

<p>DO the hard stuff first</p>

<p>Don't let things slide, if you don't understand something get help right away</p>

<p>Don't think you need to do everything, set priorities</p>

<p>and oh yeah, Have Fun!!!</p>

<p>keep a calendar/planner and write everything down; plan out your day so you can complete everything and still have time for fun</p>

The assignments will complete themselves.


WRONG! Don't you ever say that becuase you know how completely untrue that crap is!</p>

<li>Don't procrastinate</li>

<p>And that's it. If you don't procrastinate, then you'll be sooooo good! But that one simple rule is easier said than done. You'll need to have the will for it. I suggest writing down things you want to do so that you know that you can do those things later AFTER finishing your work.</p>

<p>Also, don't start anything like a MMORPG or something that you'd have/want to go to everyday. Because you're setting yourself up for disaster. Blast everquest and the like...</p>

<p>@quitejaded: It's all relative. Working in a nearly comatose hypoglycemic state is the worst possibility. Compared to it, almost all conditions are sublime. I only meant to emphasize the importance of food and sleep.</p>

<p>Procrastination is the root of all evil...
And for Pre-calc i realized that once i took the initiative to try and understand WHY I did something instead of HOW, i became better at it because I no longer had to depend on complete and utter memory to know what to do, and i could stop, analyze, and figure what i needed to do.</p>